Revenge of The Karens

. $8.97

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Do you like to play jokes on your friends? Have you tried some pranks on your friends or do you need ideas? OR has anyone pulled a fast-one on you and you would like to get back at them? Has anyone ever made fun of you or caused you to want to be a bit mischievous with them?

Well, our friend “Karen” has! And because she just happens to be the most popular “butt” of jokes today; she has decided to share her wonderfully ornery side and share some of her most successful “revenge” tactics!

Welcome to Revenge of the Karen's, a delightful journey through mischievous tales and playful pranks that will leave you grinning from ear to ear. Join us as we navigate the whimsical world where Karens and their counterparts, Susans, come to life. This enchanting book celebrates the power of humor and creative retaliation, reminding us that even in challenging moments, there's always room for laughter and inventive solutions.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eget pellentesque orci. Curabitur diam nulla, rutrum aliquam mi vel, porttitor facilisis ipsum. Nunc vestibulum justo id ipsum dignissim, non suscipit enim consectetur. Sed dui eros, sollicitudin et dolor ac, vehicula congue lectus.

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